Adoration: We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.
1. The First Station: Jesus is condemned to death <Say the adoration here>
O Jesus! So meek and uncomplaining, teach me resignation in trials. Have mercy, O Lord.
2. The Second Station: Jesus takes up his Cross <Say the adoration here>
My Jesus, this Cross should be mine, not Thine; my sins crucified Thee. Have mercy, O Lord.
3. The Third Station: Jesus falls the first time <Say the adoration here>
O Jesus! By this first fall, never let me fall into mortal sin. Have mercy, O Lord.
4. The Fourth Station: Jesus meets his Sorrowful Mother <Say the adoration here>
O Jesus! May no human tie, however dear, keep me from following the road of the Cross. Have mercy, O Lord.
5. The Fifth Station: The Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene
Simon unwillingly assisted Thee; may I with patience suffer all for Thee. Have mercy, O Lord.
6. The Sixth Station: A woman wipes the face of Jesus <Say the adoration here>
O Jesus! Thou didst imprint Thy sacred features upon Veronica's veil; stamp them also indelibly upon my heart. Have mercy, O Lord.
7. The Seventh Station: Jesus falls a second time <Say the adoration here>
By Thy second fall, preserve me, dear Lord, from relapse into sin. Have mercy, O Lord.
8. The Eighth Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. <Say the adoration here>
My greatest consolation would be to hear Thee say: "Many sins are forgiven thee, because thou hast loved much. Have mercy, O Lord.
9. The Ninth Station: Jesus falls a third time <Say the adoration here>
O Jesus! When weary upon life's on journey, be Thou my strength and my perseverance. Have mercy, O Lord.
10. The Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments. <Say the adoration here>
My soul has been robbed of its robe of innocence; clothe me, dear Jesus, with the garb of penance and contrition. Have mercy, O Lord.
11. The Eleventh Station: Jesus in nailed to the Cross <Say the adoration here>
Thou didst forgive Thy enemies; my God, teach me to forgive injuries and FORGET them. Have mercy, O Lord.
12. The Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross <Say the adoration here>
Thou art dying, my Jesus, but Thy Sacred Heart still throbs with love for Thy sinful children. Have mercy, O Lord.
13. The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is placed in the arms of his Mother <Say the adoration here>
Receive me into thy arms, O Sorrowful Mother; and obtain for me perfect contrition for my sins. Have mercy, O Lord.
14. The Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb <Say the adoration here>
When I receive Thee into my heart in Holy Communion, O Jesus, make it a fit abiding place for thy adorable Body. Have mercy, O Lord. Amen.