Friday, May 11, 2012

God vs Satan


God: A friend will stand in front of your home and wait for you to open the door and let him/her in. In the same way, God will wait in front of your Heart for you to open an let him in. Even though he is strong enough to let him in by His power, he will wait for you as a old friend.

Satan: A thief/enemy will come inside your home by breaking the door or through the chimney. He will come inside your home without your awareness. Likewise Satan will come into our heart by breaking the door or through some tricky worldly pleasure. We wont even notice that he came in and took all our Golden treasures.


  • To let God into our heart we need to be more open to Godly things and activities.
  • To prevent Satan to enter into our heart we should be strong and vigilant.

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