Monday, April 30, 2012

How many times to forgive my neighbor?

Matthew Chapter 18, verse 21-35
21 Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?"
22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.

Seventy times seven is the representation of infinite or uncountable. Jesus asks us to forgive our spouse, relatives, friends, colleagues etc when they sin against us. Even though it hurts you a lot, as a Catholic Christian we must forgive then and forget the incident. This will help us to heal from the wound.

Forgiveness must follow by Forget, which help to avoid grievance.

Forgive and you will be forgiven. Without forgiveness no one can enter into the kingdom of God. 

10 Seconds Meditation: Thursday, April 30, 2012

Sweet Surrender

Loving God, help me to overcome my fear of loss, so that through your consuming love I may find my true self, transformed by love, ready to share that experience of pure joy and through loving service to the world around me. Amen.

— from Eucharistic Adoration

Sunday, April 29, 2012

10 Seconds Meditation: Thursday, April 29, 2012

Shine Through Me

The presence of Jesus among us is just that—a widespread presence among all of God's people. We are able to embed the wonders of the presence of God within us. Each of us can and must be the “Jesus Presence” in this world around us.

— from Eucharistic Adoration

Friday, April 27, 2012

Saint of the Day (April 27, 2012)

St. Louis Mary de Montfort

  • Born in the Breton village of Montfort, close to Rennes (France) during 1673.
  • Ordained as a diocesan priest in 1700.
  • Great inspiration to promote devotion to Mary.
  • Father Louis recommended frequent, even daily, Holy Communion (not the custom then!) and imitation of the Virgin Mary's ongoing acceptance of God's will for her life.
  • Died in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre during 1716.
  • Canonized in 1947.

10 Seconds Meditation: Thursday, April 27, 2012

Strive for Perfection

You must not be surprised at all at your weaknesses and imperfections, but, recognizing who you are, you need to blush at your inconstancy and unfaithfulness to God.

— from Padre Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Saint of the Day (April 25, 2012)

St. Pedro de San José Betancur
  • Born on March 21, 1626
  • From Central America and fist saint from this region.
  • Working as a Shepherd till his 24th age.
  • Never ordained as priest after multiple attempt.
  • Praised for his mercy towards poor and needy.
  • Opened many hospitals and schools for poor people.
  • Known as the "St. Francis of the Americas."
  • Canonized by Pope John Pail II in Guatemala City on July 30, 2002
  • Died in Antigua Guatemala at the age of 41.

10 Seconds Meditation: Thursday, April 26, 2012

Christian Charity

You must forgive everyone with Christian charity, remembering the example of the Redeemer, who forgave even those who crucified him. 

— From Padre Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saint of the day (April 25th)

Glimpse to remember about St. Marc & Gospel of Marc

1.       Marc is not one of the disciples of Jesus
2.       Marc got all the details for his Gospel from St. Peter
3.       Gospel of Marc was written between 60 & 70 AD
4.       Gospel of Marc was the oldest gospel
5.       Gospel of Marc was used as based to wrote Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of Luck
6.       It was written for Gentiles
7.       It is the shortest Gospel among the four. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Human Instinct - How does it relate to God.

Instinct, we can feel this almost every minute of our life. So what is this in our life?
For example, when you are planning to do an activity, you instinct can reflect that in a different way. 
  • You are planning to go for a long ride in your bike, but your human instinct is restricting that idea or the plan is postponed by some work or by someone. 
  • You are planning do something in a way and your instinct is guiding you to a different end result. 
So what are these? These are the ways we will be guided by God. As humans we need God's guidance all times. God can come to us through other person, which is not possible all times. So God is communicating to us through our instinct. Listen to your instinct and follow it. You will be walking in the right path to your eternal goal. 

The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time (Jonah 3:1). So if we are not listening to your instinct then God will still come to us in other means. He will not forsake us at any time. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Daily Mass - Online links

Now you can see the daily mass online if you are not able to attend in person. The quality is good and very useful. It gives you almost the exact blessing and you can start the day in great joy.

  1. English Mass: Click Here
  2. Pod cast: Download from iTunes. Click Here
  3. Tamil mass ( I am not sure whether it is daily mass or a copy is shown every time) Click Here
Do this prayer during the communion service:

An Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Giving all the wealth to the community, is it possible?

Acts 4:34-35
34 None of their members was ever in want, as all those who owned land or houses would sell them, and bring the money from the sale of them,
35 to present it to the apostles; it was then distributed to any who might be in need.

After Jesus resurrection, people who got baptized were living as one family or community and their possession/wealth were one. Everyone was sharing their wealth with others in need. So no one wants anything special and everyone is spending the life as God’s wish.

Today World:
But in today’s world we cannot share all our wealth with others. But this teaching will fit to today’s Holy Matrimony. Husband and wife should share everything they have among themself. So the family can be a small community like how it was in the early Christian life. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Doctors of Catholic Church - Complete Details

Life Period
Ordained as Doctor
Ordained by 
St. Albertus Magnus (St. Albert the Great)1206 - 1280December 16, 1931Pius XIGermanBishop
St. Alphonsus LiguorI1696 - 1787July 7, 1871Pius IXItalianBishop
St. Ambrose339 - 397September 20, 1295Boniface VIIIItalianBishop
St. Anselm1033 - 1109February 3, 1720Clement XIItalianBishop
St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon1195 - 1231January 16, 1946Pius XIIPortuguesePriest
St. Athanasius296 - 373April 16, 1904Pius VEgyptianPriest
St. Augustine354 - 430September 20, 1295Boniface XIIILatinBishop
St. Basil the Great329 - 379April 16, 1904Pius VGreekBishop
St. Bede the Venerable672 - 735November 13, 1899Leo XIIIEnglishPriest
St. Bernard of Clairvaux1090 - 1153August 20, 1830Pius VIIIFrenchPriest
St. Bonaventure1221 - 1274March 14, 1588Sixtus VItalianCardinal
St. Catherine of Siena1347 - 1380October 4, 1970Paul VIItalianNun
St. Cyril of Alexandria376 - 444July  28, 1882Leo XIIIEgyptianPriest
St. Cyril of Jerusalem315 - 386July 28, 1882Leo XIIIJerusalemiteBishop
St. Ephrem306 - 373October 5, 1920Benedict XVSyrianDecon
St. Francis de Sales1567 - 1622November 16, 1871Pius IXFrenchBishop
St. Gregory Nazianzus325 - 389April 16, 1904Pius VGreekBishop
St. Gregory the Great540 - 604September 20, 1295Boniface XIIIItalianPope
St. Hilary of Poitiers315 - 367May 13, 1851Pius IXFrenchBishop
St. Isidore of Seville560 – 636April 25, 1722Innocent XIIISpanishBishop
St. Jerome347 - 419September 20, 1295Boniface XIIIDalmatianPriest
St. John Chrysostom347 - 407April 16, 1904Pius VSyrianBishop
St. John Damascene645 - 749August 19, 1890Leo XIIISyrianPriest
St. John of the Cross1542 - 1591August 24, 1926Pius XISpanishPriest
St. Lawrence of Brindisi1559 - 1619March 19, 1959John XXIIIItalianPriest
St. Leo the Great400 - 461October 15, 1754Benedict XIVItalianPope
St. Peter Canisius1521 - 1597May 21, 1925Pius XIDutchPriest
St. Peter Chrysologus400 - 450February  10, 1729Benedict XIIIItalianBishop
St. Peter Damian1007 - 1072September 27, 1828Leo XIIItalianCardinal
St. Robert Bellarmine1542 - 1621September 17, 1931Pius XIItalianBishop
St. Teresa of Ávila1515 - 1582September 27, 1970Paul VISpanishNun
St. Thérèse de Lisieux1873 - 1897October 19, 1997John Paul IIFrenchNun
St. Thomas Aquinas1226 - 1274April 11, 1567Pius VItalianPriest

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Doctors of Catholic Church

This is a very special title given to Catholic saints. This title indicates that these Saints writings or preaching are exceptional and helped holy church growth. These saints are inspired by the Holy Spirit to give great teaching to the holy Catholic Church.
Thirty Three saints had given title as “Doctors of Church”.
Following is the list of Doctors of Catholic Church.
  1. St. Albertus Magnus (St. Albert the Great)
  2. St. Alphonsus LiguorI
  3. St. Ambrose
  4. St. Anselm
  5. St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon
  6. St. Athanasius
  7. St. Augustine
  8. St. Basil the Great
  9. St. Bede the Venerable
  10. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
  11. St. Bonaventure
  12. St. Catherine of Siena
  13. St. Cyril of Alexandria
  14. St. Cyril of Jerusalem
  15. St. Ephrem
  16. St. Francis de Sales
  17. St. Gregory Nazianzus
  18. St. Gregory the Great
  19. St. Hilary of Poitiers
  20. St. Isidore of Seville
  21. St. Jerome
  22. St. John Chrysostom
  23. St. John Damascene
  24. St. John of the Cross
  25. St. Lawrence of Brindisi
  26. St. Leo the Great
  27. St. Peter Canisius
  28. St. Peter Chrysologus
  29. St. Peter Damian
  30. St. Robert Bellarmine
  31. St. Teresa of Ávila
  32. St. Thérèse de Lisieux
  33. St. Thomas Aquinas