Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Giving all the wealth to the community, is it possible?

Acts 4:34-35
34 None of their members was ever in want, as all those who owned land or houses would sell them, and bring the money from the sale of them,
35 to present it to the apostles; it was then distributed to any who might be in need.

After Jesus resurrection, people who got baptized were living as one family or community and their possession/wealth were one. Everyone was sharing their wealth with others in need. So no one wants anything special and everyone is spending the life as God’s wish.

Today World:
But in today’s world we cannot share all our wealth with others. But this teaching will fit to today’s Holy Matrimony. Husband and wife should share everything they have among themself. So the family can be a small community like how it was in the early Christian life. 

1 comment:

  1. hmm ok, but its the best way just to satisfy our mind.
