The seven gifts of Holy Spirit was found by St. Thomas Aquinas. These gifts are the great treasure for us and we can en light us with
- Wisdom: Wisdom is something beyond intelligence. Wisdom will help us to believe and understand God which we have never seen.
- Understanding: The second gift help us to understand the scripture clearly and help us to be in line with God. We should understand the scripture clearly so that any false teaching will not confuse us.
- Counsel (Right Judgment): Help to identify the wrong deeds from Good and help to avoid it in our life.
- Fortitude (Courage): We should overcome any fear in our life with Gods Courage. If you don't have courage, you will fall in the devil's pit easily.
- Knowledge: It will help us to understand God and his teaching.
- Piety (Reverence): With this gift we will have high respect for God and Church.
- Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe): Fear is one of the most important gift from God. Every living being has fear in life which will guide his life. Fear of God and his Love will help us to go in the right path.
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