St. Frances of Rome
Today’s saint is a great example of how everyone can change
the world with their sacrifice. It is not necessary for you have to be a priest or
any religious minister to serve the society where you live. You can have your
family, spouse, kids, friends etc., but still you can help your friends, relatives or
neighbor or anyone who need your help & whom you can help.

In our life let’s help others as much as we can & capable. In 21st
century we may not get chance or opportunity to do work like these saints due
to the nature of the society. But let’s try with small steps like
- Giving a ride to someone who doesnt have car or bike
- Helping the new worker joined your company or team
- Give way to old people in shopping
- Help your spouse or mom or dad or brother
These are few examples, but you have to find the right sacrifice
for you based on your capability. In this Lenten season, let’s do something better and make sure that
it is carried over with us after the Lenten season.
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