Saturday, March 10, 2012

Churches over Apostles Tomb

Only Saint Peter and Saint Thomas (Apostles of Jesus Christ) had privilege to have basilica over their tomb. 

1. The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter or commonly known as Saint Peters Basilica in Rome:
This basilica is constructed over Saint Peter's Tomb. Saint Peter is the first pope/bishop of Vatican City. It is one of the biggest catholic church and also called as Mother of Catholic Church. 

AddressPiazza San Pietro, 00012, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Italy
Hours: Open daily, Apr-Sep 7:00-19:00;  Oct-Mar 7:00-18:00

2. Saint Thomas Basilica
This basilica is constructed over SAint THomas tomb. When Saint Thomas was preaching in Southern part of India, he was killed by the local people. This church has an underground mini chapel constructed on top of the tomb. 
Address:Rosary Church Road, Santhome, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600004, India
Hours: Open daily, 6:00-20.00

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