Thursday, March 22, 2012

Three lessons from Jesus Miracle

In John Gospel, Jesus cured the man who was crippled for 38 year. If you like to read the complete passage then click here John 5:1 - 16

We can take three lessons from this miracle.

  1. What is important Sabbath day is not just to praying and preaching. The most important thing is to help others who are in need of us. When we help others, we will reflect Jesus in us and they can see that in our service.  “Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words.” - St.Francis
  2. Response to Jesus/God: When you respond to Gods word or work, you should not care about other worldly things. The sick person know that it is against Jews law to take the bed and walk on a Sabbath day. But he did as response to Jesus and cured. 
  3. Proclaim: When the person know that Jesus cured him, he proclaim it to all. When we are expose the good things about God and Gods help in our life we will be pounded with more blessings. 

1 comment:

  1. 1. If we help others in the other 6 days means no one need anything in the day 7.
    2. But the real Gods words and works to mans are about only worldly thing.
    3. Jesus told that person dont tell this miracles to others, but he told to Jesus cant stay in that place after that. So that village cant see no more miracles.
