The evil landlord came up with two options.
Option 1: He owns a small nail the kitchen cornet. A small nail which is hardly visible. Cost of the house is 200 thousand dollars.
Option 2: He owns nothing and he will vacate the house completely. But the cost is 2 million dollar.
Both the brothers were exited, but confused. The elder one decode to give 2 million and get the complete ownership. But the younger brother go with option 1 and pay only 200 thousand dollar.
One week went like a gentle breeze. Everything was just fine.
One fine morning the evil landlord came to the younger brother's house and hang a dead dog in the needle. The brother was shocked, but he is speechless as he realize the agreement.
At end he has to left the home and the evil landlord took the house and occupy it completely.
Moral of the Story: If you cant get rid of Satan and his evil thoughts completely then you will fall into his trap again. It is wise to pay more to send Satan and his thoughts completely from our Heart.
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