Sunday, March 4, 2012

Three important things for Catholics

Following are the three important things for Catholics to believe and follow.
  1. Proud: First and fore more is that you should be proud that you are catholic, a holy church proclaimed by Jesus. 
  2. Faith & Prayer: Faith and Prayer are like body and blood of Catholic life. The most important prayer is the Holy Mass. Attend mass at least on Sundays and Holy Days. 
  3. Charity & Alms: Helping your neighbor is the next one. You should love your neighbor and help them in all means. If you can't love your neighbor, you can't love God. 

    1 comment:

    1. Jesus didnt proclaimed any separate religion, catholic was seeded by his disciples and then grown by Saul(Paul) and finally routed strong by Constantine the Roman Empire around 306 to 336 A.D.
